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Food for the Workers
- Art Katz
- David Wilkerson
- Reinhard Bonnke
- Reinhard Bonnke audio sermons click on the words For Free - The Sermons are Jesus Christ - The Lord our Healer (7,34MB) and How to get a miracle from God (7,89MB). To play them you need a MP3-Player ( Free Software).
Click on the sermon that you wish to download.
- Benny Hinn
- Teachings from Pastor Benny Hinn - including "The Great Escape", "Prophecy", "Overcoming Temptation", "Discerning the Will of God", "Transfer of Annointing", "God's Promises and our Choices", "The Names and Nature of God", "The Substance of Faith", "The Great Escape", "God's Image in You", "Back to the Cross", "Angels: God's Ministering Spirits"
- TV video programs from Pastor Benny Hinn This uses the software RealPlayer - Also when you are in the states put in your zip code to find the station nearest you. And click on this page to find the station for International TV video programs from Pastor Benny Hinn.
- Various in History
- Teachings and the lives of - Edward Irving, Smith Wigglesworth, David du Plessis, A.A. Allen, Jack Coe, Howard Carter, Smith Wigglesworth, Praying John Hyde, Count Zinzendorf, William Joseph Seymour
- GREAT HEALING REVIVALISTS - HOW GOD'S POWER CAME.Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth- Etter, John Alexander Dowie and others, plus the ENIGMA OF WILLIAM BRANHAM...
- L. Ravenhill
- Messages - including Are we willing to drink His cup?, It is Finished, Revival Series - Lecture #1, Breaking through to the Heavenlies, Weeping between the porch and the altar Part 1 and 2, No Kiss, What is your vision?, John the Baptist and the Fire of God, Christ Magnified in My Body, The Power of His Resurrection, Who's Touching the Ark?, More than Conquerors - Romans 8
- Articles include Pentecost, Branded for Christ, Pentecost at Any Cost, Faith Laughs at Impossibilities, Paralysis of Preoccupation,The Taming of the Tongue
- Picture of a Prophet - By Leonard Ravenhill
- PRAYER - By Leonard Ravenhill
- L. Ravenhill Archive - The whole site.
- Derek Prince
- Derek Prince articles click on the words Free Stuff The articles are in PDF Format
To read the articles in PDF format, you need to download and install the Acrobat Reader from (This is a free program). Click on the article that you wish to download.
- Rick Joyner - Morning Star Journal and Bulletin
- T. Austin Sparks
- Mario Murillo
- Edward M. Bounds
- Oswald Chambers
- Brother Lawrence
- Andrew Murray
- Watchman Nee
- The Normal Christian Life
- Excerpts from The Christian, The Song of Songs, The Character of the Lord's Worker, God's Keeping Power, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, The Ministry of God's, Word, The Spiritual Man, The Normal Christian Faith, Matured Leadings in the Lord's Recovery
- An Unknown Christian
- C. H. Spurgeon
- John Bunyan
- Jonathan Edwards
- Various Authors